Name of the place
Description and origins
4 septembre (street)
Named thus in 1871 to celebrate the 1870 IIIrd Republic's proclamation (after the surrender and the imprisonment of Napoléon III in Sedan, in front of the Prussian army, on september 2).
It was named "rue Impériale" (Imperial Street) in 1857, "rue Louis XVI" (Louis XVI street) in 1830 and "rue de la Promenade" (Promenade's street) in 1807.
Before that : "rue de l'esplanade" (Esplanade's street) or "rue de la portette" (Little Gate street), "rue des Récollets" (Récollets street), "rue des Frêres-Mineurs" (Minor-friars street)/ "rue des Fraymenous" (Fraymenous street), but too "rue longue des Cordonniers" (Sabataria longas)(Cobblers long street), "ancienne rue des Cordonniers" (Sabataria vielha)(Cobblers ancient street) or rue de la Pâtisserie (carrièra de la Paticeria)(Pastry shops street).
11 novembre (square)
thus called in memory of November 11, 1918, Armistice.
From 1883, it had the name "place du Marché au Bois" (Wood's market place) because the firewood traders came there to sell their merchandises. The other name was "place du Bon-Pasteur" (Good Pastor place), because of the name of the chapel settled there.
14 Juillet (square)
since 1905 in memory of July 14, 1789.
It was the "place du Marché-Neuf" (New-Market place) at the end XIX-th, "place du Champs de Mars" (Mars Field's place) and "place du Marché aux Bestiaux" (Cattle Market's place) or "le Foirail" in 1868 and before : "Champ de Manoeuvres" (Maneuvers' field).
In 1859, on the current caserns' place, were large wood arenas where were organized bullfighting. In front of northern wall of the place is "le mur des fusillés" (the wall of the shot ones) where were executed, on june 7, 1944, 18 patriots.
22 août 1944 (avenue)
Since October 1944 to commemorate the Béziers liberation following the departure of the German troops.
It was "l'avenue de la République" (Republic avenue) in 1884, "l'avenue de Saint Pierre" (Saint Peter avenue) in 1868, "le chemin de la Font de Maury" in 1830 and the "chemin de la Crouzette" in 1807.
22 Septembre (street)
It's about September 22, 1792 when the Republic was proclaimed for the first time by the National Convention.
The street was named "rue Saint Roch" in 1868.
Abreuvoir (street)
(Abrevoir = watering place) The use of this passage to lead horses to make them drink, along the Orb river's shores, exists for a long time.
Albert 1er (avenue)
since 1918, from the Belgian king : Albert the 1st.
It was the ancient "rue de l'Abattoir" (Slaughterhouse's street) in 1857, going to the slaughterhouses built in the middle of the XIX-th.
Airette (impasse)
Thus named in 1868, its name is however older : it was a place where inhabitants beat grain. Airette means "place where the grain is beaten".
Albigeois (square)
Thus named since 1884 in memory of the Béziers' sack.
It was before the "Place St Louis" (1807) and in the Middle Age the "Place Saint Nazaire" or "Cimetière de l'église Saint Nazaire" (Saint Nazaire church's cemetery).
The "rue des Albigeois" was named "Rampe de St Louis" (St Louis' banister) and "rue de la descente Tourventouse" ((1807).
Ancienne-Comédie (square)
Thus named since 1893. In the XIX-th century, it was divided in 3 ways : "rue de l'Argenterie" (Silverware's street), "rue de la Comédie" and "rue du Luxembourg".
In 1709, it was "la rue des Augustins". However, in the common tradition, its name was "rue des Chevaliers" (Knights' street) because there was the house and the hospital of the Templar order.
Anciens Combattants (street)
(Anciens Combattants = Veterans) Takes its name in 1918 to celebrate the 1914-1918 war heros.
At the XVII-th and XVIII-th, it was named "rue de la Vache" (Cow's street) because there were meat shops and a slaughterhouse.
The first part of the street, city hall side, was longtime named "rue du Coq d'Inde" (turkey's street).
Angleterre (boulevard)
Got its name since 1918 to honor this ally country.
It was the "boulevard du Nord" (Northern boulevard) in 1868 and before "boulevard St Aphrodise".
Badones (avenue or path)
This path, very ancient, led to the chapel "Notre Dame de Badones" today in ruins.
Bagatelle (street)
Thus named since 1857 no doubt because of an inn owning to a man named "Bonenfant" (destroyed in 1852), meeting place to all those who wanted to have fun.
Bains (street)
(Bains = Baths) Thus named in 1857 because of a public baths' house.
Balances (street)
It was the Royal balances : at the entrance of the street was done - since years - the weighing of merchandises coming in Béziers to withdraw to them the admittance taxes : the leudes.
So, the street took the name of "rue de la Leude" in 1609.
At XV-th century, it was named : "Pararia vielha" which means : ancient street of sheet manufacturers and of the tailors and, in 1807 "rue du Soleil" (Sun street).
Barbes (street and impasse)
from Armand Barbès . In 1884, it was named "rue Ste Elisabeth" because of a chapel settled on that place.
But since a long time, its name had been "rue de l'Enfiladou" or "rue de l'Emboucadou".
In fact, because of its important slope, and during big storms, the water stuffed in the Emboucadou's chasm, one of the main city's sewer.
Barthès (street)
From the owner's name of this property where the street was pierced.
It was in 1868 the "rue Forcadel" and before the "rue de Coulmiers".
Baudin (impasse)
From Jean-Baptiste, Alphonse, Victor Baudin.
In 1857, it was named "impasse des prêtres" (priests' impasse) because there were accommodated the St Nazaire cathedral's dignitaries.
Beauregard (street)
Thus named since 1938, it had received the name of "rue Jean-Jacques Perret" for twenty ears.
Its first name being "rue Mirabel" : belle vue (nice view), because of the magnificent panorama it offered.
Bel-air (street)
Thus named since 1807 because of the northern wind blowing through it.
It was named before "rue de la porte des soeurs Minorettes" or "rue qui va de la croix de Saint-Circ à l'église Saint Nazaire" (street going from the Saint-Circ cross to Saint Nazaire church).
Belbezet (path)
Comes from "Belvézé" : nice view.
Bellevue (street and square)
Thus named since 1857, it took for a few time the name of "rue Charles Floquet".
Its lifelong name was "rue Belbeze" or "rue Belvézé" because of the panorama it offered on the plain.
Perre Jean Béranger (street)
From Pierre-Jean de Béranger. It was its name since 1938 and, before, had the name of "3ème impasse de la Tour".
François Bonnet (street)
Name of a Béziers lawyer, author of some dramas played during the Caritachs celebrations.
Before 1904, the street was named "rue bombe-cul" ("slap-buttocks"), no doubt because its slope induced many falls...
Bon Pasteur (street)
Thus named in 1868 because it went along the Bon Pasteur chapel and the missionary priests' convent founded by father Jean Gailhac.
It got a time the name of "rue du repos" (rest street).
Bons Amis (square)
(Bons Amis=Good Friends) Thus named since 1904. It's the name given to the conjured (Bernard Pourquié and his friends) : At this place, in 1381, were beheaded four rioters and 38 more were hung during a humble ones'(the menuts) rebellion against the moneyed ones (the grosses).
It was named in 1830 "Bourbon-Sauveur", in honor to Louis Philippe and "Saint Sauveur" at the XVIII-th.
Bonsi (street)
Coming from the Bonsi family who gave 5 bishops to the city.
The streer is settled on the ancient prisons' place and on the Gallo-Roman rampart.
The part which existed in the past was named : "rue du Puits Couvert", (covered well street) bespeaking an ancient public well.
Brasserie (street)
(Brasserie=Brewery) Gets its name from an ancient industrial brewery today destroyed.
Brunel (street)
From Ignace Brunel, since 1938. Since 1904, it was named "rue Raymond-Roger" (Trencavel), and before "rue Cléry".
Cadelard (street)
From André Abel Cadelard since 1938.
The street was named "rue du Cimetière Vieux" (old cemetery street) in 1857 and "rue du Cimetière" in 1807.
Cagarol (impasse)
It was "l'impasse de l'Escargot" in 1868. "Gagarol" (snail) was used as pun on the name of a trader living there.
Calvaire (street)
Despite the fact that the street got the name of "rue des Martyrs de la Liberté" (martyrs of freedom street) in 1904, it keeps its original name because of the presence of an ancient calvary, at the XIX-th, in its upper part.
Canterelles (street)
The name, in its current figure, dates from 1807. But at the XIV-th, the street was named "la murailha de Quantos Ellas", which perhaps means : "Women song's rampart".
The street descending to the Orb river, we can think the women went there, in singing, to go to wash their washing. It was too named by its directions, e.g. : "rue qui va de l'hôpital au pont" (street going from hospital to bridge).
It is an antique way the old civilizations used as Charles VI, François 1er, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, etc.
Capelière (street)
It was a property's name "la Cappelière" located on the Boujan road and owned to sieur Jean Cappèle.
Capus (street)
Comes from a Béziers family who owned many houses in this burg at the XII-th.
At Louis Philippe time, the street was divided in two ways : the "place des Lys" or "place de la Restauration" and the other way : the "rue du Porche".
Capnau (street or district)
contraction of "Campus Novus" then "Campnau" : the name should come from end III-rd - beginning IV-th century when the city was enlarged outside the ramparts close to the Madeleine church.
The translation could be : "new quarter".
Casernes (street)
(Casernes=Barracks) Thus named because of barracks built in 1696 by Charles d'Avilier.
Ceux d'Argeliers (street)
In honor to the citizens of this Audois village who were at the head of a protest movement "la Révolte des Gueux" during viticultural manifestations in 1907 (which ended in blood).
Chalon (street)
From Paul Chalon since 1904. The street was knew in the past as "rue courte" (short street).
Chapeau-Rouge (street)
(Chapeau-Rouge=Red-Hat) No doubt the name of a Milliner's signboard which was in this street. In 1904, it took the name of "Mascaro" for a few time.
Chaudronniers (street)
(Chaudronniers=Coppersmith) Gets its name from copper's artisans which had their shops in this street.
Cirque (square)
Thus named since 1807, referring to the ancient Roman circus near. The street was named before "rue de l'écorchoir" because it led to slaughterhouses.
Citadelle (street)
From the name of the Citadel which settled on the present-day "place Jean Jaurès".
The street was named at the XIV-th "rue de la ville" then became "rue publique qui va du coté des Présicadors" (a convent) or again "rue de la Fédération" after the French Revolution.
Clairie (street)
It was in 1868 the "rue Clairy". The name comes from the Ste Claire's nunnery.
Coq (street)
in 1904 it was the "rue Caron-de-Beaumarché", in 1830 the "rue du Lys", and before the "rue de l'hôpital" (Mage hospital).
Coq d'Inde (square)
It's the name of the Turkey at the XVI-th century.
Before that, the street was named "rue de la Canabasserie", not because of weed smokers : )) but because of the traders who used hemp : canvas traders, haberdasher, etc.
Cordier (street)
From Jean-marie Cordier, water engineer.
Its name was before "rue de l'amour" (street of love) which was the prostitutes street... At this time the whorehouses was named "convents" : ))
Courédou (impasse)
this word means - in Patois - un corridor, a narrow way.
Crouzette (district)
a little calvary (the cross which can be found on the crossroads).
Daubinelle (path)
it's the path leading to a property, owned to a man named Daubine, and Boujan native.
Dauphin (street)
from Léopold Dauphin, musician and writer (1847-1925).
De Gaulle (square)
Since 1944, from Général de Gaulle. The place was named "Place Emile Suchon" before.
There, was a seminar which became later "l'Hôpital St Joseph" then "Hôtel Dieu" destroyed in 1932.
At The Lower Empire it was a necropolis. Numerous tombs were destroyed during the construction of the telephone exchange, the police station and the Caisse d'Epargne's enlargement.
Dépôt (impasse)
To remember the SNCF (Railroad's National French Society).
Deux frères (street)
(Deux Frères=Two Brothers) Since 1884. The name comes from the Bertrand brothers who offered the land to build the street.
Devèze (district)
Coming from "Devèsa" which matchs to pastures or communal woods with controlled use.
However, in the Béziers case, it could have been lands which owned to the Devès family, knew since the XVI-th century.
This place (with the Gayonne) was named, before the years 50, "Costes Sèque" and "Super Costam Sicam" in 1110.
In 1780, there were about forty parcels used to cultivate olives and vines.
Dolet (street)
From Etienne Dolet. It had before the name of "rue St Aphrodise".
Dragonneau (street)
The name would designate a reptile (legendary).
In 1865 when was installed the hydraulic system, able to furnish drinking water to the city, the detractors of the project claimed they have found inside a dragonneau, and because of that, the water was unsuited for consumption.
The engineers then suggested to give the street that name.
Envedel (street)
Thus named at the beginning "rue d'en Bedel".
In Occitan language, the prefix "en" shows a belonging to bourgeoisie. So the street took the name of a man named Bedel or Vedel.
Ermengaud (street)
Since 1884. It's the name of a monk troubadour, author of the "Breviari d'amor".
Before the street was named "rue du sacré cœur de Marie" and again before : "rue des Potiers" (Potters street).
Estève (street)
From Jean Estève, XIIIrd century's bourgeois troubadour. The street was named before : "rue saint-Antoine".
Fabrégat (street)
Béziers mayor in 1848 and 1858. The street was named before : "rue des Capélans" (from Baslatin : chapelin - prêtre - priest). In Provencal : "clergyman" (with a pejorative sense).
Flourens (street)
From Pierre Flourens, biologist. It was named "rue des marchands" (Traders street) in 1868, "rue de la poissonnerie" (fish store street) in 1609.
Foch (avenue)
From Maréchal Ferdinand Foch. It's the ancient "Bédarieux avenue" or "great road to Bédarieux".
At the XVIII-th century, it was named by "rue Porte-Saint-Guiraud".
Font-Neuve (district)
the new fount.
Fossés (street)
(Fossés=Ditch) That is not about rampart's ditch but about cemetery holes : the St Félix, la Madeleine and St Nazaire's cemeteries, took back by urbanisation, were regrouped in this place.
This new cemetery ceased to be used in 1811. The terrain was auctioned in 1833.
The street took briefly the name of "rue Louis Charbonneau" (a XVI-th author) in 1904 and "rue du Général Merle" (Great army's leadership chief in 1806).
Française (street)
Thus named following the Languedoc annexation to the French Kingdom. Its name was for centuries : "rue droite" (straight street).
Gargailhan (street)
The street took the name of a city's stream. Perhaps the name comes from "gargouillant" (gurgling).
Garibaldi (square)
From Guiseppe Garibaldi. In 1884, its name was "place du Chemin-neuf" (new path place), in 1807 "place d'Orléans" and in 1830 "place du Duc de Bordeaux".
Gausselet (crossroad)
since 1958. It's the name of master apothecary who lived in Béziers.
Gaveaux (street)
From Pierre Gaveau, singer, actor, composer (1760-1825).
It was before the "rue du Grillat" in 1830 and the "rue du Gua" in 1807. The "Gua" means the ford.
Gervais (street)
From the name of Maître Gervais, le main architect of the Saint Nazaire cathedral.
The street was named "rue Espic de Lirou" (from Jean-François Espic de Lirou) in 1904, "rue des Jardins" (gardens street); (because there were numerous populars gardens since 1868).
Grangette (district)
a small grange (or a little "mazet").
Hort de Monseigneur
The garden of Monseigneur (the bishop).
Iranget (district)
A place to find oranges or agarics.
Jean Jaurès (square)
French politician philosopher.
The place was named before : "Place de la Victoire" (Place of the Victory) in 1918, "Place de la Citadelle" in 1857, "Place d'Armes" in 1807, "Place de la Fédération" or "Place de la Liberté" during the Révolution, "Place de l'Esplanade" in 1709, then "Place del Castel", "le Plain du Château" and then "la Citadelle" in 1609, from the name of the fortress which was there in the past (see in the rubric "Maps").
Joffre (avenue)
From Maréchal Joffre. The avenue was named "avenue du Fer-à-Cheval" (horseshoe avenue) in 1857.
Liberté (boulevard)
Since 1884 to celebrate reconquered freedoms following the Napoléon III's fall. At the XIX-th century it was the "boulevard Saint Antoine".
Loge (street)
Since 1944. Thus named before the "rue du boeuf" (Ox street) no doubt because a slaughterhouse close to. The name "Loge" can be explain by the Masonic lodge which was close to the street since 1881.
Longuelannes (street)
This street, opened in 1946, took the name of the family who gave the land.
Madeleine (square)
Got the name since the French Revolution. In 1738, it was the "place Bridaine" and before, the "place du Vent" (wind place).
Mairan (street)
From Jean-Jacques Dortouls de Mairan.
It was before the "rue des Carmes", because of the nearby Carmes convent, and before the "rue Monsieur de Sorgues", from a luxurious hostel owner's name.
At the Middle Age, it was knew as the "rue Saint-André".
Malapague (street)
Means "the bad pay" : The jail where it is painful to pay his faults.
This prison settled at the end of the street and was designated for little larcenies, bad payers, etc...
Malbec (street)
The name "Malbec" stays mysterious. It means bad beak (or bad mouth), but it is difficult to know the real sense. However, it can be a nickname used to name a talkative or tattletale person.
The street was named the "rue du Chameau" (Camel street) in 1868 and before the Revolution : "rue de la Porte de Corneilhan" (Corneilhan gate's street).
Malpas (street)
This term means "bad passage".
Mas (avenue)
From Alphonse Mas. The avenue dates from 1894 and had, at the beginning the name "rue Nationale".
Its opening made disappear many streets ans places. Numerous little markts took place there as those selling Fishes, Meats, Poultry, Wheats, etc. The Mazel place (in front of the present-day city hall) became la place couverte (the sheltered place).
In 1537 was there a high justice pillar where were performed the justice sentences : the tortured ones' body were exposed with a notice explaining the crimes they did.
Montibel (street)
This name got in 1807 means : beautiful hill.
Montmorency (street)
The street was named "rue de la Fustarié" since the Middle-Age because there wood workers, carpenters or coopers had their meetings.
Moulin à Huile (street)
(Moulin à Huile=Oil Mill) This street was going from a large building used to extract olive oil.
In 1904 it had the name of "Dom Vaissette", Benedictine savant co-author of "l'Histoire du Languedoc".
Pellisson (street)
From Paul Pellisson. In the past, the street was named "Gara Gara", that means in Occitan : "look out ! look out !".
This narrow street must have been considered as a dangerous place where walkers were thieved.
Pépézut (square and street)
Since 1884. The street was named "rue Saint Eutrope" at the XVIII-th but had always been designate by "rue des Marchands" (traders street).
Péri (square)
Gabriel Péri, journalist and politician.
Was named before : "Place du Marché" (market place) or "Place des menuisiers" (Carpenters place) then "Place de la Fontaine" (fountain place) or "Place du Colosse" (Colossus' place) at the XVI-th and becomes "Place de l'Hôtel de ville" in 1775, "Plan de la Mairie" in 1830, "Place Camille Pelletan" in 1924.
Poilus (runway)
Since 1918 in honor to 14-18 war's soldiers. Was named before "Rampe de la Citadelle" (Citadel's banister).
Pompon (impasse)
Would have got its name from a famous XIX-th's innkeeper.
Poudrière (impasse)
Since 1858. It was the "rue de la Salpêtre" in 1807.
The name comes from the caserns' powder house.
Prado (avenue)
Means "meadow" in Spanish and through extension "esplanade" or "large terrain".
It was before the "chemin du Pont Rouge" (red bridge path) or "l'Esplanade du Pont Rouge" because it led to a wooden bridge, painted in red, which crossed the canal.
Puits-de-la-Courte (street)
Means : "yard's well street".
The street was named "rue Jean Boscager" in 1907 and "rue du Puits Neuf" (New Well street) in 1807.
Puits des Arênes (street)
Since 1830. It got the name : "rue de la sous-préfecture" and "route de Montauban à Agde" at the XIX-th century, "rue du Petit Bacchus" (Little Bacchus street) in 1807 (because of a sculpture or an inn), "rue de l'hôpital" or "rue de l'hôpital Mage" at the XVII-th and "rue des Arênes" at the XIV-th.
The current name comes from the presence of a public well and from the nearby Roman amphitheater.
The street had numerous famous inns at the XIV-th and sheltered the first Post office in 1628.
Renaudel (street)
From Pierre Renaudel. It was the "rue des écoles" (Schools street) in 1868 because it led to a Catholic school, on the present-day Lakanal school's place.
République (street)
Since the XIX-th end. It was the "rue Napoléon" in 1857 and 1807, the "rue Porte d'Angoulème" in 1830, the "rue de la Porte des Carmes" in 1709 or the "rue de la Porte Saint André" and, at the Middle Age, the "rue de la Porte Saint Guilhem".
The street terminated at the level of the "rue Française" in the past. The part of road coming to the Halles, only dates from 1895.
Révolution (square)
Since 1884. It's the 1848 "red" revolution led by Casimir Péret.
The place had the name "Place Saint Nazaire" in 1807.
Riquet (street)
Since 1807, from Pierre-Paul Riquet de Bonrepos.
It was the "rue des Boutiques Vertes" (Green Shops street) at the XVII-th and XVIII-th because it led to the herbs' place.
Riquet (allées)
Since 1868. It was "la Promenade" (the Walkway) end XVIII-th, "la Promenade du Théâtre" in 1857.
It's at the end XVIII-th that the ramparts' ditches were filled in to give our current walkway. Acacias planted at the origin, it became the Biterrois meet place.
The lower part, down the P.Riquet statue (erected in 1838), was arranged later. It had the name of "la promenade des Poêtes" end XIX-th, "la promenade du fer à cheval" in 1856, "boulevard des Thémines" end XVIIIème, "boulevard de la porte des Jacobins" or "boulevard de Montpezat" at the XVI-th.
Rotonde (street)
Since 1868. A "rotonde" is an octogonal building.
Rouat (square)
The name "Rouat" can have several origins :
- it's a distortion of "Rouet" meaning a bramble,
- or a torture instrument (the road)
- or perhaps a name.
Saint Bernard (street)
From Bernard Délicieux, Franciscan monk (1260-1320).
It was the "rue Petite du Grazilhan" because it drained the neighborhood's waters to the Grazilhan sewer.
Saint-Cyr (square)
alias Saint-Circ : Circus place (Roman arenas). Another hypothesis makes the name coming from "Cyre" or "Syre", Roman governor, author of the St Aphrodise's sentence.
Although this name always existed since centuries, it had for few time the name of "rue de la Coutellerie" at the XVth, "place du 4 août" (in memory of August 4, 1789, symbolizing the freedoms' conquest) in 1905, and then "plan de la croix de St Cyr" or "Plan de l'Amphithéâtre".
Saint Esprit (square and impasse)
From abbe Jacques Esprit (1611-1678).
It got a few time the name "place de l'ancien courrier" at the XVIII-th because the Post Office settled on this place.
Saint Jacques (square and street)
It was the "place de la Fédération" in 1905, "rue de la Jacquerie" in 1904 (the name "jacques" being assimilated to "Jacques Bonhomme", XIV-th peasants' nickname), "rue des Casernes" at the XVIII-th.
The existence of a church, inside the burg and under Saint Jacques patronage, is attested in 962.
Sainte Ursule (impasse)
Since 1807. The name comes from the ancient Saint Ursule nunnery which settled there.
Saint Vincent de Paul (street)
Since 1904. It would have been opened at the end XIII-th.
It was the "rue de l'Hospice Saint Joseph" in 1857, the "rue de l'Hôpital" in 1807 and the "rue neuve" at the beginning XIV-th.
Sémard (square)
Since 1944, from Pierre Sémard. It was for a long time the "place Saint Félix" from the Roman church's name which settled there.
Soeurs Grises (street)
From the name of Sister of Mercy's order alias : the Grey Sisters.
Soleil (street)
Since 1857. It was named "rue du Puits du Soleil" (Well of Sun street) in 1807 no doubt because the presence of an ancient public well.
Süe (street)
From Eugène Süe. The street was named before "rue de Condé" (Bourbons family branch) at the XIX-th and "rue Saint Michel" end XVIII-th.
Tanne (avenue)
It's "l'ancien chemin de Valras à Gargailhan" (ancient path from Valras to Gargailhan).
The word "Tanne" (tana in Patois) means a trough or a pond.
Têtes (street)
It is the nine heads which decorated the outside wall of a Béziers convent until the end of the XIX-th century.
The street was briefly named "rue Rude" in 1904 and "rue du Refuge" (shelter street) in 1807.
Tible (impasse)
From "Tibla" : the trowell, no doubt because of a mason's signboard.
Tiquetonne (street)
It is the Coopers and viticultural properties owners' tool used to scrape the barrels' tartar : the "tiqueto".
Tolbiac (street)
Since 1938. It's the name of a small German city (today : Zülpich) where Clovis fought and won against the Alamans at the V-th century. It was before the "rue Adria-Hô".
Touat (street)
It's an underground Roman aqueduct which was used as sewer later.
Tour (street and square)
It was the "rue des Amis du Roi" (King's friends street) in 1830, the "rue des Pénitents Blancs" (White Penitents street) end XVIII-th.
"Tour" (tower) makes reference to the ancient "Tour des Badauds" (lookers on's Tower), terminated in 1693, and which was the lookers on and oisives' rendez-vous coming there to spend time and watch the plain.
Tourventouse (street, boulevard)
Coming from the ancient rampart tower's name : "Tour ventée" (windy tower) or "tour des vents" (tower of winds).
Trencavel (street)
Since 1904, from the Trencavel dynasty's name.
Trois Mulets (street)
(trois mulets=three mules) Certainly because of an inn's name settled in this street in the past.
Trois-six (square)
Name of a popular alcohol made of wine and marc (90° !): mixed to 3 parts of water, it gave 6 parts of ordinary alcohol. It was sold on that place.
At the beginning, the place was named "la Plaça" (the place) then in 1610 "la place de l'Encan" : there were done the public bids and the "encants" : the fact to publish publicly the news.
In 1709 it became "le plan du Puits-de-l'Inquant" then "place aux Herbes" (Herbs place) and "place des eaux-de-vie" (Brandy place).
Vannière (street)
Since 1807, from Jacques Vannière. It was before the "rue des Anes" (Donkeys street) because of the numerous land workers living there with their donkeys.
Victoire (square)
Has this name since 1924 : it's the 1918 Victory.
It was named before "place de la République" in 1870, "place Napoléon" (the IIIrd) in 1857, "place d'Angoulème" in 1830, "place Napoléon" (the 1st), "place de l'Egalité" after the Revolution, then "place des Carmes", "place Saint Guilhem" (Occitan designation of Wilhelm, who had been nominated at the head of the Toulouse county by Charlemagne) and then before : "place Saint Andrieu".
Vieille Citadelle (street)
It was the "rue Vieille" (Old street) in 1868, the "rue de la Lune" (Moon street) in 1830 and before "ruelle de la Cité" (City's little street).
Vieilles Prisons (street)
Since 1868. It was the "rue des Prisons" in 1857 because it was settled on the ancient prisons' place.
Viennet (street)
From the politician Biterrois Jean-Pons-Guillaume Viennet.
Ancient "rue du 4 septembre" (september 4 street) or "rue Impériale" in 1857 and before : "rue des Notaires" (Notaries street).
Vierge (street)
Certainly because of the little Virgin statue settling inside a niche at the street entrance.
The street took briefly the name of "rue Pauline Roland" in 1904.
Zola (square)
Since 1903 from Emile Zola.
It was the "place Palazy", from the terrains owner's name at the end XIX-th and before : the "place des Tilleuls" (Lindens street).